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To improve communication with our membership, I have designed a Golf Course Management Blog. This blog will allow me to effectively communicate current golf course conditions, projects, cultural practices and any other important information that pertains to the golf course or Green Department. This blog will also allow you to interact with us simply by clicking the "comment" tag below the new posts. Feel free to comment with any suggestions, questions or concerns. To keep up to date on the latest posts, please click "Subscribe to our mailing list" in the mailing list box below or visit the blog regularly at http://www.illiniccturf.blogspot.com/. Thank you!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Golf Course Update

The first half of October has provided truly phenomenal weather for both golf play and turfgrass management.  Summer’s abundance of rainfall hydrated the soils to an ideal level.  Although rainfall so far in October has been sparse, the ample soil moisture combined with cool nights and mild days has allowed for a textbook-perfect grass growing environment.  The warmer than average temperatures have continued into the fall with a record temperature high of 87 degrees Monday October 17th.  The trees have begun to show fall colors much later than last year and many trees are still green.  As of recent, normal routine maintenance has taken much longer due to the fact that surfaces must be cleared of debris before mowing.  Also, some greens require debris removal six or seven times throughout the day for playability.  Mowing before blowing will cause damage to mowers and playing surfaces.  Generally, golf course maintenance is performed before golf play, however with this added step and shorter day length it becomes extremely challenging. 

The rough has thickened up considerably over the last month; aerification and over seeding in September followed by fertilizing in early October resulted in substantial germination of newer varieties of grass plants that are now maturing and integrating with existing plants.  The driving range tee was double-aerified and triple seeded in October.  The tee is filling in very well as the seedlings mature.  We greatly appreciate the sacrifice of the use of this tee as this tee will go into the winter months in excellent health with thick turf cover and in great shape for next spring.  The driving range grass tee top will remain closed for the rest of the 2016 year and open in the spring of 2017.  This time frame will allow the tee to fully recover before the seeding and growing season ends.  The green, tees and fairways continue to do well during the month of October and we are starting to see signs of root development and strength.

We have a few projects staring in the month of October and the beginning of November.  First on the docket is a cart path project.  Starting as early as October 24th, the cart paths will be receiving some much needed attention.  All cart paths will be resurfaced on the golf course and some will be widened on an as need basis.  This will be a five day project, weather permitting.  Some cart paths will be closed for a day or two as the curing process takes place, we will post signs and communicate through the pro shop on a day to day basis to alert members of cart path closings.  Starting in November we will begin a tee restoration project on hole #4 and #6.  Over the years these tees, along with others, have become uneven and the majority of the teeing space has become unusable or unplayable.  Along with the tee surface itself, #4 and #6 tee have also lost their original shape and alignment.  We will strip the sod off the tee, reshape, level, square, surface drain, realign and sod the tee box.  This project will improve the aesthetics, teeing space, drainage and the overall playability of these holes.  While we are under construction we ask all golfers to utilize the temporary teeing space located to the right of #4 tee and the Ladies/Senior tee on hole #6.  Weather permitting, the tees will be ready for the golf season next year.       

I would like to conclude by announcing that Mr. Curtis Keller, Assistant Golf Course Superintendent, had his last day at Illini Country Club on October 14th.  Curtis accepted the position of Golf Course Superintendent at Buffalo Ridge Springs Golf Course in Hollister, Missouri.  This move will provide Curtis with the opportunity of managing his own golf course and hosting an annual PGA Tour Champions event “Legends of Golf”.  Curtis’ ties to Illini Country Club will remain strong, however, and he greatly appreciates the relationships and experiences he gained here.  We will begin our search for a new Assistant Golf Course Superintendent January 1st of next year. 

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