WELCOME to the Illini Country Club Golf Course Management Blog. Your direct access to golf course operating procedures.

To improve communication with our membership, I have designed a Golf Course Management Blog. This blog will allow me to effectively communicate current golf course conditions, projects, cultural practices and any other important information that pertains to the golf course or Green Department. This blog will also allow you to interact with us simply by clicking the "comment" tag below the new posts. Feel free to comment with any suggestions, questions or concerns. To keep up to date on the latest posts, please click "Subscribe to our mailing list" in the mailing list box below or visit the blog regularly at http://www.illiniccturf.blogspot.com/. Thank you!

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Golf Course is Open!

After a long harsh winter the golf course is officially open for the 2014 golfing season.  The green department is hard at work preparing the golf course for play.  We have spent the last few weeks raking, blowing and removing tree debris from the golf course.  However, we have a few more days to complete this task.  Once all playing surfaces are clear of debris we will begin grooming. We will start with a few rolls to smooth the playing surfaces and hopefully the first mowing next week.  Bunkers will need some extra attention this year.  Along with the usual fox damage, we also experienced soil heaving around some of the drain lines.  We will spend the next few weeks repairing damaged drain lines, decontaminating sand, and adding roughly 50 tons of new sand to shallow areas.  Hope to see you on the golf course!

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