WELCOME to the Illini Country Club Golf Course Management Blog. Your direct access to golf course operating procedures.

To improve communication with our membership, I have designed a Golf Course Management Blog. This blog will allow me to effectively communicate current golf course conditions, projects, cultural practices and any other important information that pertains to the golf course or Green Department. This blog will also allow you to interact with us simply by clicking the "comment" tag below the new posts. Feel free to comment with any suggestions, questions or concerns. To keep up to date on the latest posts, please click "Subscribe to our mailing list" in the mailing list box below or visit the blog regularly at http://www.illiniccturf.blogspot.com/. Thank you!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Golf Course Conditions

The weather this winter has been extremely unpredictable with abnormal temperature swings, flooding events and very little snowfall.  As far as the golf course conditions, the grass on the greens, tees and fairways are coming through winter with a little more growth than usual; however, no signs of winter damage.  The forecast for the next three to four days will be a great start to the thawing and firming process the golf course must go through every late winter and early spring before opening.  The greens must be completely thawed and firm enough to support foot traffic without damaging the crown and root systems of the turf plants.  The Green Department is working hard to finish “shop work” and will begin golf course work Thursday or Friday.  The Green Department crew will focus its efforts on clearing debris in selected dryer/firmer areas and then move to the playing surfaces when conditions allow.  With a warming trend in the fifteen day forecast and with a little luck, the golf course will be open sooner than later.  In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the golf course greens on a daily basis and keep the membership updated on potential opening dates.