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To improve communication with our membership, I have designed a Golf Course Management Blog. This blog will allow me to effectively communicate current golf course conditions, projects, cultural practices and any other important information that pertains to the golf course or Green Department. This blog will also allow you to interact with us simply by clicking the "comment" tag below the new posts. Feel free to comment with any suggestions, questions or concerns. To keep up to date on the latest posts, please click "Subscribe to our mailing list" in the mailing list box below or visit the blog regularly at http://www.illiniccturf.blogspot.com/. Thank you!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Projects part 1

Repairing haul road right of #10 ladies tee 

Fixing low areas around ladies tee on #10

New chipping approach at driving range

Despite a few logistical challenges, this past week has been quite productive as the Green Department started chipping away at some Fall projects on the course.  You may have noticed some work being done at the practice facility earlier this week.  The decision was made to convert the area between the chipping green and the practice tee from rough to bentgrass, as it allows a realistic “approach” shot from which to practice your chipping.  Bentgrass was transferred from the unused forward tee on #1, as well as from the front of #17 fairway.  The rough sod that was removed from the chipping area was moved to #17.  In the future, we will re-grade the slope in front of #1 tee, and re-grass it as rough.  Likewise, we will re-shape the front of #17 fairway, making the necessary adjustments to the rough/fairway line.  The bentgrass that has been installed in the chipping area will remain closed for the remainder of the season to fully establish.  Frequent rolling, topdressing, fertilization, and watering will help to speed up the process.  Also at the practice facility, topsoil and rough sod were added to the short slope between the cart path and hitting area.  The final grade ties in nicely with the practice tee and chipping area.  All of the newly sodded areas will be roped off until they can safely withstand foot traffic.  Finally, the practice tee top was interseeded in two directions to help the turf recover from use during this season, and to provide a dense stand of turf leading into the 2015 season.  We hope that you enjoy your NEW practice facility!

After the practice facility project was wrapped up, a small crew began some renovation projects to areas in the rough near the forward tee box on #10.  The immediate area surrounding this tee has several low spots that hold water during and after rain storms.  We have begun raising these areas by adding topsoil, re-grading, and spreading new grass seed.  Also in this area, we have removed the dirt “shortcut path” between #10 cart path and the lower gravel parking lot that became established over this past year during the clubhouse construction project.  Due to frequent use by utility vehicles, this path had become extremely compacted, and unable to provide the growing conditions necessary for grass to survive.  A rototiller was used to loosen the soil, and then the area was re-graded and seed was worked into the soil.  Finally, a layer of straw was placed on top to provide insulation for the seed, which will help to speed up the germination process.  In the coming weeks we will adjust the overflow from the gravel parking lot.

We still have several projects to undertake in October and November, as well as completing some projects that are already underway.  Hopefully the weather cooperates so that we can complete them in a timely manner. Fall is arguably the best time of the year on the golf course, and we hope that you are enjoying it as much as we are!  See you on the course!

Prepared by, Curtis Keller