Green Expansion
After a nice shot of natural rain the greens have completely healed from our fall aerification. We also applied a granular fertilizer on September 17th, which aided in the healing process and encouraged root initiation. Now that the greens have healed we will resume normal scheduled mowing heights, grooming, plant growth regulators and bi-weekly topdressing. Tees and fairways will be aerified in the upcoming weeks.
During the next few weeks you may notice some discoloring from scalping around the greens edges. This is an attempt to restore greens to original size. You will also notice white dots symbolizing the original green edge. Over the years the greens collars have encroached into the putting green surface simply from improper mowing. During the cooler months of the spring and fall we are able to correct the mistake minimizing the potential of turf loss due to heat related stress. We will systematically lower the mowing heights until the grass has adapted to the normal greens height. This process will allow us to maintain a consistent collar width and maximize the pin placements on our smaller greens.